Monday, August 02, 2010

Reporting on Iran-0

What is going on in Iran? More than a year ago, there was a highly questionable Presidential election the fall out of which is still to be seen in the internal politics of Iran. The economic situation leaves a lot to be desired. The Central Bank claims that inflation is falling, but prices, especially prices of meat and chicken, are going through the roof. Other prices show a similar trends too. The forth resolutions are passed by the UN and the EU and Canada and others pass extra sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In such a situation, one expects that local politicians would be more cautious as not to add to these problems. But this is Islamic Republic of Iran. A few days ago, Jannati- the Secretary General of the Guardian Council accused Saudi Arabia to have acted as a medium for the transfer of $1 billion from the American government to the opposition leaders in Iran, promising another $50 billion if they succeed in bringing down the government! At the same time, a former editor of a Tehran daily who is now living in exile in an open letter to Khamene-ee compares Jannati’s action to “suicide bombing” which could only lead to deeper isolation of the ISR in the Middle East and a wider world. Ahmadinejad on the other hand, once again claimed that Israel hired assassins to kill him and repeated his call to President Obama for an open debate during his visit to New York in September. Mashaai has also claimed that the Arab nations owe the Iranians a historical debt, as if it was not for the Iranians, Islam would have been buried under tons of illusions originating from Arab nationalism


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