Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who is telling the truth?

As time goes, the Anglo-Iranian conflict becomes more complex and silly. The British seem to have no doubt that the Iranians have snatched their navy personnel while they were performing their duties under a UN mandate in Iraqi water. On the other hand, the Iranian authorities have maintained that the British forces have violated their sovereignty and hence, should apologize. The British says, over our dead body, release our boys and girt, or face the consequences. No one knows what might these "consequences" be if the Iranians do not release them. However, it is interesting to note that the British authorities have failed to obtain the support of the US in the UN for a strong condemnation of Iran or for a demand for the immediate release of these personnel and that, in my mind, may reveal the real story behind this silly dispute. Could it mean that the Iranians are in fact telling the truth? The British have actually been in the Iranian waters, but, are not prepared to accept it. What is interesting however is that the British TV and press today were full of stories about these "barbaric" Iranians who have even refused consular access to these British citizens, and none, however, mentioned the fact that the five Iranians who had been arrested by the US, still in detention in an unknown location, had been denied this right too since their arrest. It seems that we mey be dealing with a tit for tat situation. However as far the reporting ot this conflict goes, it appears that in the eyes of these writers and broadcasters, all are equal but some are a little more equal. This said, from other sources, we know that the US is busy with quite a lot of secret missions inside Iran- probably in preparation for military attacks- and hence, the Iranians are a little sensitive to this type of intrusion into their country. Another reason that might shift the argument in favour of the Iranians position is this, if the British sailors were doing their duties on the Iraqi side of the water border, as we are told by the British government and in fact, been snatched by the Iranians, why then their supporting carriers, HMS Cornwall did not intervene to prevent their seizure by the Iranians? Could it be that given a potential violation by these sailors, it would have been an open declaration of war against Iran. In view of this, the HMS Cornwall did nothing, because the British has already discovered at an enormous costs what of fool they made of themselves by going into Iraq and Afghanistan! Iran is a far greater country, and much better organised. Whatever the real situation, I really hope that these personnel are released without further delay and returned to their families and friends. I am sick and tired of politicians of whatever colour and flag. The hell with the lot of them. It seems to me that they can only make life more difficult for everybody, and I really mean everybody.


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